Timer CHOP

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The Timer CHOP is an engine for running timed processes. It outputs channels such as timing fractions, counters, pulses and timer states, and it calls python functions (callbacks) when various timing events occur.

Examples using the Timer CHOP include triggering multiple timed cues, running playlists, timelines, state machines, and driving pre-animated animation components in 3D scenes. See Help -> Operator Snippets for numerous examples.

You set a timer to a number of seconds, frames or samples, and trigger it to start via the Start parameter or the second input CHOP. The Timer CHOP outputs in seconds, frames, samples, fraction and on-off states as it’s counting, including a done channel that goes on when it is complete. When it reaches certain states like end-of-cycles or when it’s done, various python callbacks are called allowing you to customize its behavior.

The Timer CHOP gets triggered by events (via pulsing its parameters or driving its two inputs). It takes events in, counts time, changes state. Via its python callback functions, you can send events out to other nodes, set parameters, get/set values in DATs, CHOPs and storage, restart itself, or trigger other nodes. As such, it can operate as a state machine.

It has play/pause, plus a speed control to slow down or speed up the timer.

It can also cycle indefinitely and then can be signaled to end immediately or at the end of the current cycle.

One Timer CHOP can also have multiple timers within it. By attaching a Table DAT you can define one timer (segment) per row. In Serial Timers mode it allows for one time segment followed by another. In Parallel Timers mode, the timers all run in parallel, each with its own begin time and length, and its own set of output channels.

Timer CHOP.2.png

The Timer CHOP can be Locked to Timeline in a deterministic way, or run more freely in Sequential Mode. When run independently from the timeline, you can jump ahead, break out of cycles, pause, goTo() exact position or timecode in the timer, and dynamically adjust the speed.

The Timer CHOPs can be chained together, so that when one ends, the next can begin. They just need to all be Initialized together, where the ready_pulse channel of one Timer CHOP is exported to the Initialize parameter of the next Timer CHOP. Then they can be run in sequence, where the output of one Timer CHOP’s done_pulse channel is wired to the Start input (or exported to the Start parameter) of the next Timer CHOP. You start the chain of timers by starting the first Timer CHOP. By using some Timer CHOPs to loop awaiting input or response, or by adding logic to decide which CHOP to start next, state machines can be implemented.

Attach an Info DAT to see the timecodes, or use the .timecode members. Custom text strings can be placed in the Info DAT for each segment, and custom animated channels can be created.

To make the entire CHOP loop after the last segment, set the On Done menu to Re-Start.

Recommended: the OP Snippets for Timer CHOP. See the channel descriptions in Initialize Start.


The callbacks are called at different moments during the timer progression.

onInitialize() gets called when you pulse the Initialize parameter. Here you can prepare any part of your setup prior to starting. At the end of Initialize the timer goes into a "ready" state.

onStart() gets called on the frame that the Start parameter is pulsed. The timer then goes into a "running" state.

onTimerActive() gets called every frame that the timer is running and there is no Delay or Play is off.

onCycleStart() gets called if the timer is set to cycle via the Cycle parameters.

Before a cycle or segment ends, an onCycleEndAlert() callback based on the Cycle End Alert parameter can be called to allow you to prepare for the next cycle, segment or Timer CHOP.

onSegmentEnter() and onSegmentExit() get called if the timer is being driven by a Segments DAT which acts like several timers in one. The argument segment in these callbacks is actually an object with useful members including any custom columns you have in your segment table: In onSegmentEnter(), put the code print(help(segment))

onDone() gets called when the timer reaches its finished state.

You can initialize at a specific time by using .masterSeconds in onInitialize().

See also: Trigger CHOP, Event CHOP, Speed CHOP, Count CHOP, Beat CHOP, Event CHOP, Clock CHOP, Delay CHOP, CHOP Execute DAT, LFO CHOP. time measurements

Time Measurements and what affects them
Name Speed Play Cycles Go To and Cueing Subrange Delay Between Segments
Cumulative Time Count slows if speed<1 pauses when off jumps back jumps jumps pauses
Playing Time Count unaffected pauses when off keeps counting keeps counting keeps counting keeps counting
Running Time Count unaffected unaffected keeps counting keeps counting keeps counting keeps counting
Master Time Count slows if speed<1 pauses when off jumps back jumps jumps keeps counting
Segment + Fraction 0 to 1 per-segment pauses when off jumps back jumps jumps pauses


Parameters - Timer Page

Active active - - The Timer cooks: Never / Always / While Running (while in "running" state) / While Playing (while in "running" state and Play is on).

  • Never never -
  • Always always -
  • While Running running -
  • While Playing playing -

Time Control timecontrol - - Sequential (timeline-independent) or Locked to Timeline. In Locked to Timeline, non-deterministic features are disabled. External CHOP Channel lets you drive the master time (.masterSeconds etc) using a CHOP channel defined by the parameters on the External page. External Timecode lets you drive the master time using a timecode CHOP/DAT/Object.

  • Lock To Timeline lock - Output is determined by the current frame position.
  • Sequential sequential - Output runs continuously, regardless of current frame position.
  • External CHOP Channel chop - Output is determined by external CHOP channel value.
  • External Timecode timecode - Output is determined by the value of an external timecode.

Defer Par Changes deferpars - When On, parameter changes like Length, Cycles and others are ignored until the next Intitalize. When Off, paraameter changes affect the timer immediately (possibly giving jumps in state).

Initialize initialize - (pulse parameter) Initialize is the signal to get the timer ready: sets the counters to zero (delay, timer, cycle, segment), set the output channels in the proper state, done to be off, the onInitialize() callback is run, and when initialize is complete, it indicates it’s ready by turning on the ready channel, awaiting a Start pulse.

Start start - (pulse) Start is the signal to commence the timers counting. It will count through the delay first, then the timer length. It does an Initialize if it is not already initialized, and then starts counting.

Length Type lengthtype - - Describes how the length is defined.

  • Fixed fixed - Lengths are finite, that is of a specific duration.
  • Infinite infinite - The segments run continuously without end.

Length length - (float) the time-length of the timer. Set the Units menu to Seconds, Frames or Samples.

Length Units lengthunits - - Choose between using Samples, Frames, or Seconds as the units for this parameter.

  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -

Delay delay - (float) after Start, the delay before the timer begins counting.

Delay Units delayunits - - Choose between using Samples, Frames, or Seconds as the units for this parameter.

  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -

Play play - (onoff) Pauses the timer. It is basically a 0 or 1 multiplier on the Speed.

Speed speed - (default 1) Slows down or speeds up the timer.

Cue cue - Freezes playing at the Cue Point.

Cue Pulse cuepulse - Jump instantly to the Cue Point.

Cue Point cuepoint - Time (Seconds, Frames or Fraction) which the cue point is frozen to.

Cue Units cueunits - - Choose between using Samples, Frames, Seconds, Fraction(0-1) as the units for this parameter.

  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -
  • % fraction -

Cycle cycle - (default Off) causes the timer to loop back to 0 when it reaches the end of the cycle.

Cycle Limit cyclelimit - When the Cycle parameter is On, this determines if it will cycle indefinitely or cycle some maximum number of cycles.

Maximum Cycles maxcycles - When Cycle is on and Cycle Limit is on, this sets the maximum number of cycles.

Cycle End Alert cycleendalert - The number of seconds, frames or samples before a cycle, segment or done state is reached that the onCycleEndAlert() callback is called. This allows you to prepare for the next cycle, segment or timer.

Notify Units notifyunits - - Choose between using Samples, Frames, or Seconds as the units for this parameter.

  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -

Exit Segment at End of Cycle exitendcycle - When pulsed, it will exit the cycle (and segment) at the end of the currently-playing cycle.

Go to End of Cycle gotoendcycle - When pulsed, it will exit the cycle (and segment) immediately.

Go to Done gotodone - Will immediately go to the Done state.

On Done ondone - - Determines which action to take when the timer gets to the end, ie "is done" or finished. Note there is also a onDone callback that can be used for customizing behavior.

  • Do Nothing donothing - No action taken.
  • Re-Initialize reinit - Will re-initialize the timer, this is the same as pulsing the Initialize parameter above.
  • Re-Start restart - Will re-initialize and re-start the timer, this is the same as pulsing the Start parameter above.
  • Re-Start without Initializing restartnoinit - Will re-star the timeer without re-initializing.

Callbacks DAT callbacks - The path to the DAT containing callbacks for this Timer CHOP.

Parameters - Segments Page

You can specify multiple timers in one Timer CHOP. A "segment" acts as one timer, with its own length, delay time, number of cycles to repeat and other conditions.

Segments DAT segdat - A table DAT that contains one row per timer (segment). The column headings can be delay or begin, length, cycle, cyclelimit, maxcycles and cycleendalert, which override the equivalent parameters. (These are the internal names for the corresponding parameters.) begin is unique as it replaces delay, and it represents the time from Start that the timer will begin counting, whether the CHOP is set to Serial Timers or Parallel Timers (see Segment Method).

The Segments DAT also can include any number of custom columns. See Columns to Custom Channels and Columns to Info DAT below.

Segment Method segmethod - - If the Segment Method is Serial Timers, the timers will be played back-to-back. If the Segment Method is Parallel Timers, the timers can be played at the same time, and a set of channels will be output for each timer.

  • Serial Timers serial -
  • Parallel Timers parallel -

Segment Units segunits - - For the columns delay, begin, length and cycleendalert, you specify whether it’s seconds, frames or samples with this menu.

  • Samples samples -
  • Frames frames -
  • Seconds seconds -

Segments End Time segsendtime - - Describes how the end time is calculated.

  • From Segments DAT dat - The end time is based on the Segments DAT values.
  • From Length Parameter par - The end time is based on the Length parameter value.
  • Max of Parameter/Table max - The end time is based on the greater of the Length parameter value and the Segments DAT values.

Columns to Custom Channels channelcolumns - Optional extra columns (any name) in the segments DAT can be output as extra channels (the columns must contain numbers). Specify their names in the Columns to Channels parameter. The channel name will be the column name. You can also output the length, delay, etc columns as channels.

Custom Channel Interpolation interpolation - - By default, custom channels step to their new value at the begin of the segment. This menu lets you interpolate to the new value linearly, or any combination of ease-in and ease-out.

  • Step to Value steptovalue -
  • Linear to Value lineartovalue -
  • Ease In to Value easeintovalue -
  • Ease Out to Value easeouttovalue -
  • Ease In-Out to Value easeinouttovalue -

Columns to Info DAT infocolumns - Optional extra columns (any name) in the segments DAT can be output to the Info DAT (attach an Info DAT to the Timer CHOP) if you specify their names in this parameter.

Go to Previous Segment gotoprevseg - (pulse) Jump to Previous Segment.

Go to Next Segment gotonextseg - (pulse) Jump to Next Segment.


  • Segment – each segment acts as one timer, with delay time, length, number of cycles to repeat and other conditions.
  • Begin – in Parallel Timers, the number of seconds after a Start (frames or samples) after which each timer starts counting up from zero.
  • Done – The state it goes into when all the timers has finished counting, whether they are in Parallel or Serial, Segments or not.
  • End – Cycle End is the end of each cycle, Segment End is the end of the segment.
  • Cumulative Time – Zero at Start, a count that is affected by speed and rises while timers are active (not during delays).
  • Running Time – Zero at Start, the wall-clock time since Start was called no matter what are the delays, speeds, cycles or premature clicking of Go To Segment End. It stops counting when Done has been reached.

Parameters - Sub Range Page

Operate the timer within a sub range of the total length.

Sub Range subrange - Turn this parameter on to limit the timer output to a subrange of the full length.

Sub Start substart - The beginning point of the sub range.

Sub Start Units substartunits - - Choose between using Samples, Frames, or Seconds as the units for this parameter.

  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -

Sub End subend - The end point of the sub range.

Sub End Units subendunits - - Choose between using Samples, Frames, or Seconds as the units for this parameter.

  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -

Sub End Action subendaction - - Controls the behavior once the sub range end point is reached: Loop at End, or Pause at End.

  • Pause at End pause -
  • Loop at End loop -

Parameters - Outputs Page

Timer Fraction outfraction - Outputs channel timer_fraction for each segment.

Timer Count outtimercount - - Outputs the elapsed Seconds channel as timer_seconds, Frames outputs channel as timer_frames, or Samples outputs channel as timer_samples. Because this is elapsed time, timer_frames starts at 0, as do the others.

  • Off off -
  • Samples samples -
  • Frames frames -
  • Seconds seconds -
  • All all -

Timer Active outtimeractive - Outputs channel timer_active which is on only while the timer fraction is counting (is non-zero).

Timer Pulse outtimerpulse - Outputs channel timer_pulse when the timer reaches its length.

Delay Fraction outdelayfraction - Outputs a 0-1 fraction in delay_fraction while the delay occurs.

Delay Count outdelaycount - - Outputs the delay count in seconds, frames or samples.

  • Off off -
  • Samples samples -
  • Frames frames -
  • Seconds seconds -
  • All all -

Initializing outinit - Outputs channel initializing = 1 while the timer is initalizing (i.e. while the callback onInitialize() returns non-zero).

Ready outready - Outputs channel ready which is 1 after an Initialize and before a Start.

Ready Pulse outreadypulse - Outputs a pulse when initialization has finished and the timer is ready to start. It pulses even when the timer starts rights away after an initialization.

Running outrunning - Outputs channel running which is 1 after a Start and before the Done.

Done outdone - Outputs channel done when done or complete.

Done Pulse outdonepulse - Outputs channel done when the all timers have reached their completion.

Cycles outcycle - Outputs channel cycles, which is the number of cycles completed (In a segment), starting with 0 during the entire first cycle. If you jump to Done, cycle is incremented as if it played normally to the done state.

Cycle Pulse outcyclepulse - Outputs a pulse at the end of every cycle, even on the first and only cycle.

Cycles + Fraction outcycleplusfraction - Outputs channel cycle_plus_fraction, starting with 0 for entire first cycle.

Segment outseg - Outputs channel segment, starting with 0 for first segment.

Segment Pulse outsegpulse - Outputs channel segment_pulse which is a pulse at the end of each segment.

Segment + Fraction outsegplusfraction - Outputs channel segment_plus_fraction, starting with 0 for first segment ending at #segments at end.

Length outlength - - Outputs channel length, starting with 0 for first segment ending at #segments at end.

  • Off off -
  • Seconds seconds -
  • Frames frames -
  • Samples samples -
  • All all -

Cumulative Timer Count outcumulativecount - - Outputs cumulative_seconds, cumulative_frames or cumulative_samples. It is a time count that adds up all the Timer Active times for all segments since Start: it is affected by "Speed", and counts up only while timer_active (Play) is on. See the python member .cumulativeSeconds.

  • Off off -
  • Samples samples -
  • Frames frames -
  • Seconds seconds -
  • All all -

Playing Timer Count outplayingcount - - Outputs playing_seconds, playing_frames or playing_samples. It is a time count that adds up all the Timer Active times for all segments since Start: it is not affected by "Speed", and counts up only while timer_active and play is on. See the python member .playingSeconds.

  • Off off -
  • Seconds seconds -
  • Frames frames -
  • Samples samples -
  • All all -

Running Time Count outrunningcount - - Outputs the "wall-clock" time since Start occurred, no matter what are the delays, speeds, cycles or pre-mature clicking of Go To Segment End, etc. It stops counting when Done has been reached. running_seconds, running_frames, or running_samples. When CHOP is set to Parallel Timers, this will output a channel per segment plus one global running time channel. See the python member .runningSeconds.

  • Off off -
  • Samples samples -
  • Frames frames -
  • Seconds seconds -
  • All all -

Master Time Count outmastercount - - Outputs master_seconds, master_frames or master_samples. It is a time count that adds up all the Timer Active times for all segments since Start: it is affected by "Speed", and counts up only while timer_active and play is on. It also includes any delay times. See the python member .masterSeconds.

  • Off off -
  • Seconds seconds -
  • Frames frames -
  • Samples samples -
  • All all -

Parameters - External Page

External CHOP extchop - The CHOP used to control the current point in the timer.

External Units extunits - - Choose between using Samples, Frames, or Seconds as the units for this parameter.

  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -
  • % fraction -

External Channel extchannel - The channel that will control the current point of the timer.

External Timecode Object exttcobj - Time is specified using a timecode. Should be a reference to either a CHOP with channels 'hour', 'second', 'minute', 'frame', a DAT with a timecode string in its first cell, or a Timecode Class object.

External Start Offset extstartoff - Specifies the external time at which the timer should start.

External Initialize Offset extinitoff - Specifies the external time at which the timer should initialize.

Sample Rate rate - The sample rate that the CHOP outputs at, which is also used when the units of Length, Delay and Cycle End Alert time are set to Samples. The default sample rate is 60 samples per second.

Parameters - Common Page

Time Slice timeslice - Turning this on forces the channels to be "Time Sliced". A Time Slice is the time between the last cook frame and the current cook frame.

Scope scope - To determine which channels get affected, some CHOPs use a Scope string on the Common page.

Sample Rate Match srselect - - Handle cases where multiple input CHOPs' sample rates are different. When Resampling occurs, the curves are interpolated according to the Interpolation Method Option, or "Linear" if the Interpolate Options are not available.

  • Resample At First Input's Rate first - Use rate of first input to resample others.
  • Resample At Maximum Rate max - Resample to the highest sample rate.
  • Resample At Minimum Rate min - Resample to the lowest sample rate.
  • Error If Rates Differ err - Doesn't accept conflicting sample rates.

Export Method exportmethod - - This will determine how to connect the CHOP channel to the parameter. Refer to the Export article for more information.

  • DAT Table by Index datindex - Uses the docked DAT table and references the channel via the index of the channel in the CHOP.
  • DAT Table by Name datname - Uses the docked DAT table and references the channel via the name of the channel in the CHOP.
  • Channel Name is Path:Parameter autoname - The channel is the full destination of where to export to, such has geo1/transform1:tx.

Export Root autoexportroot - This path points to the root node where all of the paths that exporting by Channel Name is Path:Parameter are relative to.

Export Table exporttable - The DAT used to hold the export information when using the DAT Table Export Methods (See above).

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: -
  • Input 1: -

Info CHOP Channels

Extra Information for the Timer CHOP can be accessed via an Info CHOP.

Specific Timer CHOP Info Channels

  • frames_timer -
  • frames_segment -
  • frames_cumulative -
  • frames_running -

Common CHOP Info Channels

  • start - Start of the CHOP interval in samples.
  • length - Number of samples in the CHOP.
  • sample_rate - The samplerate of the channels in frames per second.
  • num_channels - Number of channels in the CHOP.
  • time_slice - 1 if CHOP is Time Slice enabled, 0 otherwise.
  • export_sernum - A count of how often the export connections have been updated.

Common Operator Info Channels

  • total_cooks - Number of times the operator has cooked since the process started.
  • cook_time - Duration of the last cook in milliseconds.
  • cook_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the component timeline.
  • cook_abs_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the absolute time.
  • cook_start_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator started cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cook_end_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator finished cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cooked_this_frame - 1 if operator was cooked this frame.
  • warnings - Number of warnings in this operator if any.
  • errors - Number of errors in this operator if any.

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