TDAbleton - TouchDesigner Ableton Connection

Posted version 1.8.7

  • More fixes for “Doesn’t have send” errors

Hi there,

First off I am loving this touch-ableton pathway! thanks for making it :slight_smile:

I have a question regarding the song/time value at… what format this value
is in? (Seconds?) If so it seems to be running quite fast for a seconds counter? (have tried on multiple machines)

Also is there any example out there of having TDs Timeline or a timerChop slaved
to abletons song timeline?



The time value is in milliseconds.

We don’t have an example of locking TDA to the Touch timeline yet, but it is on the todo list. If you make it happen, please share!

Hello, very good project, I have been experimenting on my computer without problem.
I recently started to add 2 mac, but it brings me some problems, for example, in the mac 1, when I try, everything works, except in the middle of signals midi in tda midi.
executing ableton 9.7.1, in the forum I saw that it said 9.7.2 or higher, I suppose it must be a compatibility problem, because in the other mac with windows 10 it works fine.
the version of max for live is 7.3.5.

Could it be that midi signaling does not arrive through a lower version of ableton to which you ask?

And my other question is if I can control from my Touchdesigner with TDAbleton, 2 macs each with ableton and TDableton components?

the idea is from my computer to send midi signals and parameter control to 2 macs.

Thanks and very good project!

cheers Ivan

So from what i can see the integer part of song/info/time is the
total number of beats and the float / decimal points are milliseconds .

I’ve work out a quick hack for getting TD timeline to sync by pulsing
the scrub function in /local/time. seems to work ok for the moment.

i’ve attached the 2 tox’s needed … if you replace /local/time with
time.tox and place the timeSync.tox into the tdAbletonPackage it
should work correctly … you can switch in and out of slave mode by hitting the
sync button.

timeSync.tox (1.72 KB)
time.tox (3.59 KB)

@puck: Thanks for sharing your work! I’ll check them out when I have a chance.

@tolchxxx: Yes, Ableton (actually Max) did have some issues with MIDI at one point in development. I’m not 100% sure which version that problem was in. This may or may not have to do with your problem.

What definitely will affect what you’re trying to do is that EVERY COMPUTER that receives MIDI information needs to have its own TDA_MIDI device. That’s just the nature of the beast because each device only sends to one OSC address.

I understand, I will try with more recent versions of max and ableton to see if it is solved.

With respect to connecting TD Ableton to more than 1 computer.
I see that the Touchdesigner project needs an Ip (Abletonpackage / tdableton), from the computer running Ableton. (Ableton Address: the IP address of the computer running Ableton Live. Also accepts “localhost”.)

In case you have 2 computers running Ableton, each with its own ip.
How can I assign the second ip, inside tdableton in touchdesiger?

double tdAbleton?

The 3 computers (1 Windows with touchdesigenr, 2 macs with ableton), connect by means of a router, through wifi.

Thank you


You have to create another tdAbleton, yes, with a different global shortcut. Then you have to change the TDAbleton Comp parameter of all the abletonComponents that you want to watch that new master’s connection.

Here is a package that is set up to work as a second connection
tdAbletonPackage2.tox (73.7 KB)

thank you very much I’ll try it.
in the case that one of the computers does not have a ableton suite, to run max for live, would it need a physical interface, which would send mid tdableton to the other computers without the ableton suite?

I know there are virtual midi programs, which I use successfully on my computer.

if they are connected in the same network, it is possible to configure midi out touchdesigner with this soft, and ableton live midi in. to receive midi data by network?

I leave one example:

Thank you

I’m not sure of the details of that, but what you describe sounds possible.

TDAbleton interacts with Ableton Live, not Max directly!

What Max For Live was for the plugins that need to be incorporated into Ableton, like the tda midi.

Thank you

System requirements are in the wiki and at the top of this post

Hello good day, I have a query.
when the midi notes of touchdesigner are sent to ableton, for some reason these can not be written on the piano if I start recording the midi channel. as the image shows.
I’m using the abletonMIDI1 component of TDAbleton.

The idea is to be able to send midi pulses, and have these recorded on the piano.

Thank you.

abletonMIDI sends MIDI directly into the track chain. It basically appears wherever the TDA_MIDI device is, which is after the point where it would be recorded from an external source.

In order to record the signal, you can send the MIDI from the receiving track into a different MIDI track and record it. If you don’t know how to do this in Live, please start a new support thread with the question and I’ll go into detail.

@Ivan Is there a way to do some math to convert that osc data that is incoming from the new TDA_Audio_Analyzer max patch to look like incoming audio data like you would expect from a audiofileIN chop or audiodeviceIN chop?

The audio analyzer is sending level data, so it is really nothing like audio file in data, which is actual wave forms

Documentation coming soon!.

Gracias, me funciono enviando la señal midi desde el canal A, al canal B.

Latest TDAbleton 1.9.0 is posted here and provided in the current official builds (20k +).

Notable new features are documented here:

I tried to be brief with the documentation so please post any questions or clarifications you need!

Uploaded 1.10.0 - wiki coming soon

-abletonRack upgrades including:

  • OSC connection directly in and out of M4L
  • smoother, lower latency messaging
  • CHOP input for fastest possible parameter control

-autofix option for duplicate name problems

Hi Ivan,

First, thanks for such an amazing bridge :slight_smile: !!

Is there support for Ableton 10 yet, or just version 9.7.2 and above?

Have gone through all the same installation processes for Ableton 10 and can’t seem to get a connection. All good if not supported yet, just curious.
