Can't find ImageFilter: Feedback

I just got TD and hooked up a Kinect to it. I’m following a tutorial by CutMod, and I can’t seem to find the Feedback image filter in the Palette menu.its just not there. Is this something that only comes with TD Pro? Perhaps its hidden somewhere else? I’m fairly new to TD so if anyone can help it would be incredible! 9:48

I guess it’s the classic check-all thing.
In the top right corner of the op-create dialog, check all instead of basic.

Edit: Just re-read OP. Realized you’re referring to the pre-made Feedback example in the Palette browser, not the Feedback TOP in the Op Create Dialog. What build of TouchDesigner are you using? That Palette feedback example has been around for a while. Not sure why it is missing. As seen in the video, it’s not too hard to build your own feedback loop, but I’ll attach the file.
feedback.tox (45.7 KB)

Sorry about that. I’m not fond of that “Basic” mode default… If we only wanted basic features would we be using TouchDesigner? :laughing:

That tutorial was made assuming viewer is already familiar with the basics of feedback, and the TouchDesigner UI in general. There are a few good tutorials on both subjects so I somewhat glossed over them. Let me know if you have any further followup questions. I will also keep posting more tutorials and example files at


Feedback.tox is now in the ImageFilters folder of the Palette.