Geometry disappears, ?!

I don’t know why, but i have the problem that geometry frequently simply disappears.
What i mean is, i have for example a torus SOP running into another SOP and after that a null SOP.
It happens that The geometry disappears or i get some hudge distortet faces after a certain point in the Chain. Seemingly randomly. A can delete the concerned SOPs and hit undo, and everything works fine again.
The problem comes up randomly.
I have some feeling it has something to do with having a Depth TOP or a lume Blur TOP somewhere in the network, but i don’t know…
I am running windows 7 32 bit, no service packs, Mac book pro,
nvidia Geforce GT 330M,
Graphics Drivers up to date.
Thank you very much for any help!!!
EDIT: No errors in the Log, I can send you a Perfermoance analysis, don’t know if that helps.

A screenshot of your network may help, or simply a .toe file of what you’re running. Are you sure you’ve got the render flag on on your final Null SOP and nothing else? Sometimes SOPs will display oddly in their viewers but look fine when rendered as well.

The depth TOP wont display much until you tweak it and shouldn’t be directly in a TOP chain, it’s more used to effect the final render, but wont provide it itself.

Also, if you’ve got really ‘big’ geometry you may start to have some clipping issues, but that’s when you’re bounds get to around 1000 units.

Post an sn or your file and that will help for sure!

I will post a toe file. would have done it immideatly if it wasn’t a bit complicated because my td machine is not on the internet(hoping for offline docs btw.!!)
I have made it a principle to have a windows machine that i am using for work not on the internet.(anybody else? offline docs whohoo)
Ok. Thanks for all the pointers but all your points are not my problem, assuming that it is no problem to use the DEPTH top as an input for level tops for example. I would need to adjust the depthmap and can’t imagingne that’s the problem.
That said, i’m going to post the .toe soon, but thanks for any further thoughts anyways.
I am quite sure this won’t be reproduceable too easily, to be honest

Ok here it is.
There are lots of unnecessary things in there i am sure, since this is work in progress.
It all is cenetered around the container in there. I am trying to come up with a log turn Depth of field and radial blur solution.
Anyways, the problem occured to me working on this file quite often. Somtimes after opening it, sometimes without any noticeable trigger.
Thanks again
DOFtry1.14.toe (11.4 KB)

sorry but i am actually trying to solve this since more than two months…
Is there anybody who could help me or has any idea what to do?
Thank you very very much

Hey, can you give more detailed instructions on how to reproduce the problem using your .toe file? I can’t reproduce it myself so far.

Thanks for the reply.
No, i’m sorry. I got a bit demotivated by this error, and it’s a long time ago since i exprimented with tis file.
But i am sure that the error occured simply by doing stuff. Sorry i cannot get more concrete, but it sometimes came up when i loaded the file, when i added a node, when i simply went into a comp, or zoomed out of one. So really anything it seems to me. It also seems to me that this is a machine/OS specific thing, since simply noby else seems to have this issue.
Moreover i am sure now that it has something to do with the Luma Blur TOP or the depth TOP.
It occured only in projects where i used those, and sorry, i hardly ever use one of them only. I have used them successfully some time ago, so it migth be something in the gold release of TD, since i hardly install/change anything on that machine, it isn’t even connected to the internet, so no automatic updates of windows or drivers whatsoever.
Hope that helps.
Since i am not too optimistic that you can reproduce this, have you any tips what the problem could be?
Drivers? Graphics cards adjustments? Windows service packs? (didn’t change any of those though.)
Thanks a lot!

It’s a bug we are seeing elsewhere actually, just having trouble reproducing it consistently. It’s not likely anything to do with your system. The only possibility is that you are running out of GPU RAM, but I’m not sure if that’s the case here.

great news, thank you a lot.
Since you have the roject above and my system specs, maybe you can estimate the odds of me running out of GPU memory in that case. I aslo don’t think it is likely.
Thanks again!

I’ve been having geometry disappear, too, on a .toe that only happens to me on my work computer and not on the performance computers. I run win7-32, while the performance computers are win7-64. Coincidence?

Piping geometry and SOPs into a Geo COMP seems to help, but it still happens occasionally.

No crash files, as there is no crash.


I’m having the trouble as well, I’ve had it mostly in SOP chains that have particles or where I’m using GEO instancing. Doesn’t appear to be related to working time, scene or geometry complexity. It does happen with SOP components that are native, files from disk and locked components. Generally it is fixable via a cook or reload.

Hope that helps.


Had this happen in a different circumstance, which was reducing resolution of a large (3K) render. Using about 2/3 of GPU memory, am running GTX 580 cards, win 64, Touch Designer 16920, Nvidia 285.62. In this case it was a BoneGroup SOP that quit working, the FileIn SOP feeding it still had the geometry.

In all the scenarios I’ve described a restart of Touch Designer will allow success on the task that broke the geometry.


Just out of interest, i wonder if this happens to you also:
Sometimes, quite seldomly, it happens that instead of the geometry disappearing, i am getting hudge distorted geoemtry (out of a torus eg. nothing complex needs to be in there). Again, deleting the SOP and hitting undo will solve the problem.
Btw, in my problem i don’t see any relationship to particle systems or geo instancing.

Yeah, haven’t seen the geometry distortion happen, just SOPs losing their data.

We’ve posted a new experimental build, 17220. If you set a window environment variable called TOUCH_FORCE_OLD_VBO_MAPPING=1 before launching it, it’ll apply what I hope is a fix to this problem. Let me know if you still encounter the issue with this env var set, otherwise I can make the fix permanent.
Thanks for testing!

Yep, so far the fix is working for me, thanks !


Just downloaded it and can’t say anything about the problem yet but thank you!