Noise Block/Pixelated style

Hi ppl,

I’ll be grateful to know how to:

  • set the complexity to a Noise TOP to 1 (pixelated noise)

  • make a fisheye camera (equal to approx 9-16 mm lenses) - maybe sphere+carve+texturing the final video inside the sphere? How to achieve the distortion without loosing quality?

Thank you very much!

Hi niraah,

For the noiseTOP you can change the type to random for per pixel noise or if you want perlin/simplex you can up the harmonics for more detail.

Regarding the fisheye cam you can set the render mode in the renderTOP to Fish-Eye (180) and then crop to the approximate mm you are looking for. Tho this method will render unnecessary pixels.


Thank you Anton!

Sorry it’s me again. I think I didn’t get it for the Noise TOP. Actually I want a Block like noise. I am sure it’s possible in TD and I saw it somewhere, but cannot find a proper way for the moment.

The image unfortunately didn’t make it though so not sure my advice here will be correct - but here we go:

pixelation of noise can be done by either choosing a very low resolution of the Noise TOP, the using a resolution TOP to scale it up and setting the “Input Smoothness” Parameter to Nearest Pixel

You could also use a normal sized noise TOP and feed it into the “pixelate” palette component which you can find under ImageFilters in the Palette

If you are not satisfied with the Noise Types the Noise TOP offers, chcek out the Noise Generator in the Palette under Generators.

Hope this helps

Thank you. I didn’t mentioned the Resolution TOP.