FIXED: [099] moviefileout oddity

Windows 10
099 2017.1900

Moviefile out TOP set to animation codec produces what looks like double or tripple the frame rate in resulting file.

On closer inspection, it looks like the sample rate for a video exported with the animation codec has a sample rate of 15360 - regardless of fps setting in the moviefile out. Tested with 60 and 30 fps rates, in both cases a file with a sample rate of 15360 was produced.

Photo jpeg produces a file with a sample rate consistent with the movie file out top settings.

Mpeg2 produces a file with a sample rate consistent with the movie file out top settings.

H.264 produces a file with a sample rate consistent with the movie file out top settings.

HAP Q produces a file with a sample rate consistent with the movie file out top settings.

This should be fixed in the next build. Thanks for the report!