RESOLVED: Midi Errors in Textport

Hi there Derivative,

Windows 10
NVidia 970M

TouchDesigner 088
Build 62070

With a Midi in DAT in the network I’m seeing this message in the textport:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/sys/TDDevices/TDMidiDevice/listenExec", line 23, in valueChange File "/sys/TDDevices/TDMidiDevice/TDDeviceExt", line 192, in DoListenCallback TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

It doesn’t look like it’s making any problems at the moment, but I thought it was worth passing along.

Thanks for posting.
This will actually be resolved in the next posted build.

Is there a rough time estimate of when this build will be posted?

I am having the same issue, also doesn’t seem to be causing any issues, but makes troubleshooting new code quite cumbersome (unless someone knows a way to mute the error message??)


Bumping this because I have the same issue, and I’m really eager to have a new build without those messages!

If it’s of any help :

Windows 8.1
NVIDIA Quadro M4000

Touch Designer 088
Build 62070

Thank you :slight_smile:

Build 62160 should fix this