088: Resonate 2013 workshop example file

Anyone know if the resonate workshop example can analyze music I have in a folder on my computer or does it need a url. I tried using a path like D:\folder\file.mp3, with no luck.


great, thanks - this was a fun course in some techniques I wasn’t familiar with!

Is an internet connection always required for Echo Nest functionality in TD? i.e. for Perform mode with an installation venue without internet?

For all of you trying to manipulate this component… echoprint OTA is a bust! I spoke with an Echonest Python developer and basically OTA is no can do… they’d get sued unfortunately :frowning:

echoprint is still pretty cool and worth checking out, python peeps:

Hi all,

I get an error with this file.
I click okay but the window error doesn’t close.
Touchdesigner 10780 on windows seven.


It works!
I was without an echonest API Key as you can read within the file:
“To use this component you first need to get a
echonest API Key:


What are you guys using to upload your .MP3s to?

I did a little google, tried Picosong - but it didn’t work. I think it’s because it gave me a tiny URL and not a .mp3 URL?

Does this sound right?

So right now I’m looking for somewhere to upload my mp3s and recieve a URL in exchange.



I’m still stuck on the same issue.

Not a clue how to get a song in a URL .mp3 format… any advice?


I just used my webspace for it. Not sure if you can use dropbox for it as well?


Has anyone successfully used the tox provided here?

When I attempt to map the realworld object using the camschnapper it doesn’t seem to make a difference. The same perspective/position is displayed (linked to cam1). I’m not sure I understand how camschnapper is to be used in this instance. I’m using F1, changing monitor/display to 1 (my projector) and then selecting the points and putting them in their realworld place. Even after 6 points nothing changes (I know with mapamok it would adjust after 6 points).

I tried the camschnapper tox and it worked fine - meaning the animation would update the perspective/position as I moved points. Which leads me to believe maybe this tox is broken?

So… after making some progress I’m realizing that when I align my projector with the camschnapper component, the wireframe is upside down?!? and maybe inside out?

Any explanation for this?

When I right click and ‘view camschnapper’ and then I set my 6 - 8 points, and slide 'wireframe: over to the right I can see the wireframe is on the ceiling - upside down from where my object is…

Anyone else having the same experience? I’m trying to figure out where/how this is happening - I think it’s within’ the camschnapper component - but I haven’t figured out where…

Any help is always appreciated.

Do you have a example file I can have a look at?


See attached.
BCResonate2013.1.1.toe (551 KB)

Any ideas?

Can anyone confirm I’m the only one experiencing this? Or is it the patch?

I have learned a TON from this file…

one thing I cant get working tho is echonest… I have the API key… I enter it… but for some reason my audio in chop still gives me this error…

any thoughts on whats wrong in the network?

I was able to fix it by downloading the mp3 from the url and changing the url to a local file location.

Not sure if it’s the same problem, but I just had to tell windows firewall to let Python use the network.


Anyone still having this issue. I have followed instructions got an Echonest API key ,allowed TD and python.exe acess in windows firewall.

I still have an error message as photo attached.

I can see the mpga file in my temp files but TD cant seem to see.

Any ideas anyone

Many thanks

Just download the mp3 and point towards that directory.