HTC vive example levitation kinect controls

Hello, you will have a laugh when you see how messy some of my patches get.
this is highly experimental, use at your own risk.

Not sure if this patch will be any use to anyone,probably all wrong, but that is what I managed.

ok so one hand is the position of the particle emmiter in room (can’t remember if left or right,) height of same hand, specially hand tip will make that ball of particles size up of down.
Other hand is the direction of wind.

hopefully you can take a shower of particles in face after a bit of messing around.
Initial position to start simulation is back facing kinect hands in praying position.

this might not work at all not sure since there are many places you can put a kinect. mine is 1.50m off the ground
vortex cluster.10 VR.toe (12.3 KB)

I should rename this as the Tai-chi patch.

That’s pretty good. Tips: In Preferences → Geometry, so you can see the geometry in SOP viewers all the time, turn on the Adaptive Homing by Default preference, and click Set Viewers to Defaults. On new .toe files and new builds of TouchDesigner, this is already set up.

In the merge1 CHOP, set Align to be Stretch to First Interval. This will make sure the noise CHOP you merge will be stretched to the length of the tx ty tz channels you merge it with. It currently has 0s at the end.

If the noise you want is totally random per-sample, you can use the Pattern CHOP, and no Merge is necessary if you put the Pattern CHOP after sopto1 and set Combine Channels to Append.

Anyway, good uses of Geometry instancing.

Thx Greg, I appreciate your help, I will try to apply that.
Its already few month I made that one, I made a bit progress inbetween.
I tought it might give ideas for others.

Still a bit of a mystery how to apply glsl to each eye, I have tried all sorts here. despite tips on forum. if any one has a small example I’d be really grateful.