Stretching audio differently every cycle


I’m trying to do something with audio clips that I can’t quite get my head around.

I have a File Chop which reads my audio clip that is then stretched using a Stretch Chop and used for speaker output and other things. The right extend condition on the clip is set to “cycle”.

What I’d like to do is vary the stretch amount every cycle using a noise sample. If I just tie a Noise Chop to the stretch parameter it varies it every frame. So somehow I need to get a trigger when the end of the clip is reached, and restretch the clip.

I need to do this for a few clips of different lengths. Any ideas on how this is achieved?

Grateful for any tips, thanks!

I got a bit further on this but I’m now stuck and need some help on what exactly Chop Execute does.

I have a chop that goes negative when I need to change my Stretch Chop parameter. I figured I would just have a Chop Execute that monitors for a negative value (On to Off) and changes the Stretch parameter in a script. The problem is that it only executes once. “echo $args” tells me all the places it will go to -1 but that’s not what I’m after. I want it to execute the script when it actually is negative.

Is there something fundamental I’m missing about Chop Execute? Or is there a way to make this work with another Chop/DAT?


Not sure I fully understand the setup, but it sounds like you want to change the Chop Execute to ‘While Off’. ‘Off to On’ or ‘On to Off’ just execute once as you noticed.

You can also use the Logic CHOP to convert different value ranges into a clean 0 or 1 signal, if that helps prepare your values before triggering.

Also, instead of using a Stretch CHOP, you could perhaps plug the file into the third input of the Oscillator CHOP, and use the first input as your speed control. This would give you a more dynamic solution, not requiring triggered scripts.

You could use a Hold CHOP, to sample a random value that is fed into this pitch control input, and only update the Hold CHOP when the end of clip is reached. (Though not sure how you’re calculating when the end of the clip is reached).

Hope this helps!


thank you Rob. This was really useful and set me on a path that eventually led me to a solution which I’ve attached.

The basic idea is that I had 3 sounds and 3 animations and each pair needed to be matched and also slightly varied at each cycle.

So I made 3 pulse chops that are of the default length of my sound/animation and that have only one pulse at the beginning. I also made a 3 channel noise chop connected to 3 hold chops. I vary the start and end of the pulses every time the pulse triggers. The pulse triggers the hold chop and a script that updates the start and end.

I then wire each pulse chop to a stretch chop operating on the sound file, and then on to the animation. Presto, it works.

I sure learned a lot about Touch by spinning those wheels.
breathnoise.5.toe (5.67 KB)