RFE: use render/display flags toggles in renderTOP

use render flags toggle
use display flags toggle

these two toggle parameters would filter the objects listed in the renderstring of the render TOP, by checking the (expanded) object’s display and render flags

This is needed when creating your own viewport. You’ll often need to be able to turn off some geo in the viewport render while keeping the geo in the final render. Vice versa, you’ll often need to render geo just in the viewport but not in the final render. When using the touch geometry viewer, this is easily controlled via display and render flags, but when using a render TOP for a custom viewport, you just have the render flag.

So with these proposed toggles, we should easily be able to mimic that part of the touch geo viewer in a custom viewport.

What do you think?

Can you elaborate? The Render flags shouldn’t have any affect on the viewports, so I’m not 100% sure about the usage you are looking for.

I’m not talking about the touch native geo viewport. This is about creating a component which acts as a viewport. In this case, you will use a render TOP to render the viewport contents. At the same time, you’ll likely have another render TOP which renders the main scene/output.

Therefore you need a way to specify which objects get rendered in the viewport and which get rendered in the main output. Traditionally, when using the touch geo viewort, you’ll use the display flag for this. But as you’re using render TOPs when building a viewport component, you loose the display flag and need to control everything via the object/render string. While it’s possible to alter the render/object strings to exclude some objects (like a ceiling of a room), it’s difficult. Maybe even impossible when you render /* in the viewport render TOP. Setting a display flag is much faster and more intuitive.

So with the proposed parameters, you could tell a render TOP to only render those objects in the render/object string, which have set the render flag, or the display flag, or both.

Makes sense now?

Ah, got it. Let me see what the others here think of this.

Forgot to mention, a third toggle could check for the pickable flag, which would re-enable this flag for renderpick CHOP based selection workflows.

Maybe a single “filter” expression parameter would be even more powerful. All (expanded, about to be rendered) objects are made available as a local variable (“$OBJECT”), and an expression could decide whether to include or exclude each of them from the render. So you can use opflag("$OBJECT","d") to filter out objects which don’t have the display flag set. Too slow/expensive?

The Pickable flag can now be used in Render Pick CHOP and DATs.